Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Community Radio In My World

I love WEFT most of the time. Sometimes it's hard. There are elections coming up in March (the Associates meeting is on my birthday mandatory and it's pretty mandatory, since I am running for reelection to the Associates Executive Committee). Recently a mailing list, which I thought was called weft-a because it was for weft-associates but according to another member actually stands for weft-announcements, got shut down.

Here is my response:

I think the problem with weft-a is bad karma. Personally, I don't want to read anything that is going to spoil my mood for the rest of the day. However, the WEFT associates (people who have paid their dues, come to associates meetings and are active at the station) need to have a forum to discuss the things that don't get discussed in the 8 hours per year that make up the meeting time for the associates as a body. That was the charge of weft-a. The implementation was flawed and therefore the discussion group got hijacked in a most offensive manner. If weft-a can't come back and be what it is meant to be which is a forum for discussion of weft and the things that members of weft are concerned about WITH REGARD TO WEFT, then we need another venue.

The Associates Executive Committee (the officers of the Associates committee...btw, the Associates are a committee) is going to facilitate a study group devoted to weft-a. The board are not, if I remember correctly, associates. If associates don't care whether there is a discussion group or not, they will let us know and (because communication is important) will make sure that the wishes of the associates are carried out.

BTW, I am running for the AEC. I was elected by a slim (1 vote) margin at the last associates meeting to fill in a vacant spot. I have since attended 2(3?) AEC meetings and assorted other meetings (Music and Programming committee) to find out what's going on and to be able to better serve the associates. My goal as part of the AEC will continue to work for the benefit of the associates, the airshifters, the other weft committees, and the station.

Don't forget, the associates meeting is March 6 at the Illinois Terminal Building.

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