Thursday, August 28, 2008

RIP: Del Martin 1921-2008

We have lost a champion...goddess bless Del and gentle hugs and support to her life mate Phyllis.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

fm band expands?

From The Medium is the Message byEric Schnell.

Schnell thinks that if the FCC expands the FM band to take over analog channels it might increase the number of community radio stations. Viva diversity!

Two Live Broadcasts from WEFT 90.1

Live From the Streets of Minneapolis – St. Paul
4-6PM - Tuesday, September 2 WEFT 90.1FM
March and Rally @ The Republican National Convention

Live coverage and interviews of the upcoming march built around economic
themes. Participants will include homeless people, disabled people,
truckers who can't make money anymore with the price of fuel, people with
no health insurance, union activists and many others, feeling the effects
of current socio-economic policies.

WEFT-FEST 2008 - Sunday, September 7
WEFT 90.1FM @ Mike-n-Molly’s Beer Garden
Market St. & University Ave., Downtown Champaign
Free Music All Day Long! Live On Air Broadcast!

2 PM: Conservatory of Central IL. (classical music)
3 PM: Little Oy on the Prairie (klezmer music)
4 PM: Close to Home (country music)
5 PM: Mark McCormick Jazz Group
6 PM: Deak Harp Blues Band
7 PM: Curb Service (downtempo turntablistic riddles)
8 PM: New Ruins (rock music)
9 PM: Living Blue (rock music)