Friday, February 5, 2010

Events in February

via the National Women's History Project

February Highlights and Birthdays in US Women's History

Thank you to those who let us know that we had omitted two very important birthdays in our January Calendar.
Jan. 9, 1859 Carrie Chapman Catt,woman's suffrage leader and president of the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA)
Jan. 13, 1917 Edna Hibel, the first woman to receive the Leonardo da Vinci World Award of Arts.
Please let us know of any corrections or omissions at
A special thank you to Nancy McDonald for her website honoring the 90th Anniversary of US women winning the right to vote. This month in honor of Black History Month, HerStory Scrapbook features African American suffragist throughout the month of February.

February Highlights in US Women's History
Feb 24, 1912 - Henrietta Szold founds Hadassah, the world's largest and oldest women's Zionist organization focusing on healthcare and education in the US and Israel.
Feb 15, 1921 - The Suffrage Monument, depicting Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Lucretia Mott and carved by Adelaide Johnson, is dedicated in the nation's capitol.
Feb 27, 1922 - US Supreme Court upholds the 19th Amendment to the Constitution which guarantees women the right to vote .
Feb 15, 1953 - Tenley Albright is the first American woman to win the world figure skating championship.
Feb 18, 1953 - Rachel Carson is elected to the National Institute of Arts and Letters.
Feb 12, 1962 - Eleanor Roosevelt becomes first chair of the President's Commission on the Status of Women.
Feb 6, 1973 - Government Printing Office rules that the prefix "Ms." is acceptable optional identifying label in government publications.
Feb 9, 1973 - First convention of National Women's Political Caucus meets in Houston, TX.
Feb 1, 1978 - First postage stamp to honor a black woman, Harriet Tubman, is issued in Washington, DC.
Feb 16, 1980 - Mary Decker breaks the indoor mile world record finishing race in 4:17:55.
Feb 21, 1980 - AFL-CIO votes to reserve 2 seats on its 35 member executive team for a woman and a member of a minority group.
Feb 4, 1987 - First National Women in Sports Day is celebrated in Washington, DC.

February Birthdays
Feb 1, 1878 (1950) - Hattie Wyatt Caraway - First woman elected to the US Senate (1932) and first woman to preside over the Senate in 1943.
Feb 3, 1821 (1910) - Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell - First woman awarded a medical degree in U.S. (1849).
Feb 3, 1874 (1946) - Gertrude Stein - Poet, author, art critic; "A rose is a rose is a rose is a rose."
Feb 4, 1913 - Rosa Parks - "Mother of Civil Rights Movement;" her arrest after refusing to give up her seat on a segregated bus in Montgomery, Alabama, leads to Dr. Martin Luther King's bus boycott and eventual Supreme Court decision to integrate buses.
Feb 4, 1921 - Betty Friedan - Author, The Feminine Mystique (1963); Cofounder of National Organization for Women (NOW).
Feb 7, 1867 (1957) - Laura Ingalls Wilder - Author of beloved "Little House" books.
Feb 9, 1944 - Alice Walker - First African American woman to win Pulitzer Prize for fiction, The Color Purple (1983) .
Feb 10, 1927 - Leontyne Price - First international American opera star .
Feb 13, 1906 (1990) - Pauline Frederick - First woman network radio and TV correspondent (1939).
Feb 15, 1820 (1906) - Susan B. Anthony - Leader of 19th century women's right movement; strategist; lecturer.
Feb 16, 1870 (1927) - Leonora O'Reilly - Labor organizer; founding member of Woman's Trade Union League; helped found NAACP.
Feb 18, 1931 - Toni Morrison - Pulitzer Prize winning novelist; first African-American to win Nobel Prize for Literature (1993).
Feb 21, 1855 (1902) - Alice Freeman Palmer - Educator; Founded American Assn. of University Women (AAUW) in 1882.
Feb 22, 1876 (1938) - Gertrude Bonnin (Zitkala-Sa) - Writer; Sioux Indian activist; founded National Council of American Indians (1926).
Feb 22, 1892 (1950) - Edna St. Vincent Millay - First woman to receive Pulitzer Prize for Poetry (1923).
Feb 27, 1902 (1993) - Marian Anderson - Contralto; sang to 75,000 at famous Easter concert at Lincoln Memorial in 1939.

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